11 August 2009

NY Reunion Discussion Page now available.....

We are all anxiously awaiting the 5th September where we will once again meet and greet, some after many, many years, rehash old memories, create new ones and make some new acquaintances.

The excitement is growing among the alumni that will be attending and as a result of this we have created a special discussion page in the Face Book group to facilitate the 'shout outs' & the many calls for 'what year you representing', and of course the 'ole talk', picong and gossip that will be accompanying the faces and memories.

The discussion page can be found by clicking here: WGSS E-Alumni NY Reunion -talk yuh talk

And for those alumni who will not be joining us physically at the NY reunion, feel free to send your greetings and memories via the discussion page.

Full event information can be found by clicking here: WGSS Reunion - NY edition

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