23 July 2009

WGSS Reunion - New York and Donation Updates

The date for the New York version of the WGSS reunion is getting closer and we hope you are all prepared and booked your flights if you need to.

We have set up a convenient ticket payment option via Pay Pal for those attending. The link button can be found on the right side panel of this site, just under the 'Upcoming Events'.

DATE: Saturday 5th SEPTEMBER 2009 (Labour Day Weekend)
COST: USD$25 (USD$10 donation to school included)
(the cost includes champagne/wine/vodka bottles, appetizers, etc)
MUSIC: by popular DJ
TIME: 4pm - 9pm
VENUE: Negril Village - Lounge
70 W 3rd St., New York, NY 10011, Bet. Thompson & Lagaurdia

For efficient catering purposes at the venue it is advised that you secure your tickets in advance.


Due to the many requests we have had from persons wanting to donate funds to the school in general and for equipment, we have set up a DONATE option via Pay Pal to accommodate those who wish to send funds. This can be found at the top left hand column of this site.

The amount for donation is left up to the sender, but you are advised to take into consideration the processing fees and to allow a few extra dollars for that purpose.

ALL monies sent via this manner, minus the processing fees will be forwarded to the school on behalf of the E-Alumni via WGSS Alumni Association.

PLEASE NOTE: Any monies raised via donations or events from July 2009 to March 2010 will be utilised to assist the school's Steel Band side in funding their tour to Texas in April 2010. They need to raise funds in the vicinity of TTD$160 000, which includes cost of transporting equipment, airfare, etc.

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