13 November 2009

Monday Night Mas for Carnival 2010

One of our fellow WGSS graduates has launched his latest project in the form of a Monday Night Mas Band for Trinidad &Tobago Carnival 2010.  It is a great alternative and opportunity for those who wish to partake in the festivities, but wish to avoid  either hot sun during the day parade or would rather a less expensive 'jump and wave' experience.  To view the photos of the costume - please visit their website - Info Below.

Premium Drinks Inclusive MONDAY NIGHT MAS with Krazee Klowns Inc for 2010
Date: Carnival Monday 15th February
Time: 9:00pm - 3:00am

Hypnotiq: Pina Colada: Carmen Jones: Mojito: La Curvesa: Tequila Sunrise: Liquid Gold (ultra premium section-ladies only)

Printed Polo T-Shirt & Cargo Pants (male)
Printed V-Neck Baby Tee & Short-Cut Shorts(female)
Cup, Whistle, Bottle Openers

Tequila Sunrise, Pina Coladas, Brandy Alexander's, Brown Cows, Mudslides, B52’s, Daiquiris, Sex on the Beach, Black / White Russians, Tequila Shots, Johnnie Walker, Hennessey Cognac, Vodka, Fernandes Black Label Rum, Carib, Stag, Smirnoff Ice

Secret & Secured Route
Ambulance & EMT Specialists
Fully Trained Security Staff
Uniformed Police Officers
Secured Parking
Wee-Wee Truck

Personal Protection Security - personal security escort pick up from your accommodation, takes you to the band, stays with you during your time with the band, and takes you back to your accommodation. (At an additional cost) Persons booking this service must include their accommodation address and a contact number, and must book before 3rd February.

Mas Camp: 73 Ariapita Ave, Woodbrook, Port-of-Spain (opp. El Pecos)


Reside Overseas ?  then register through - TRINIDAD FETE TICKETS at  www.trinidadfetetickets.com

Oh What A Night - Nov 7th 2009!!

From all accounts coming in from those who attended the Alumni Association’s Annual Dinner & Dance last weekend, it was a great success.

The event saw close to 300 alumni from as early as 1965, some 44 years ago spread throughout the years. Laughter, memories, chatter, dancing – oh what a night!

Mr. Inskip Pollonais was honoured for his achievements and in particular, his support of the alumni in the last five founding years, the food was excellent, the decor was simple, tasteful yet beautiful.

Darren Drayton of the 80’s alumni era, played the music and had the varied crowd dancing, tapping, waving, to his tasteful, appropriate and groovy selections.

At the closing bell, the event, so enjoyable, persons stayed on the same spot where they danced, talking for over 40 minutes, not wanting to leave.

Attendees had the opportunity to meet and greet with familiar and not so familiar faces/names from graduating years gone by and of course faces to the names often seen on the E-Alumni.

The stage has been set for November 2010.

photos courtesy Joel Stewart & Bernadette Kretzschmar

02 September 2009

WGSS Alumni Association Annual Dinner & Dance 2009


Woodbrook Government Secondary Alumni Association
invites you to
Let's Reunite 2009
Saturday 7th November
Pent House, Algico Plaza
St. Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain, TRINIDAD

7pm - midnight

Dinner & Drinks inclusive

Dress Code: ELEGANT
For tickets and further information contact:
Carol: 868-774-5932 : Cynthia: 868-684-6097 : Lynette: 868-313-14-15 : Joel: 868-771-7745

Join in the Dinner & Dance chat and year group challenge -CLICK HERE

23 August 2009

Intercol Season 2009 - WGSS play schedule

 An open invitation to all Alumni & WGSS supporters to come out and support the school's football team as they vie for the title of Intercol champs 2009.

  •  The WGSS 2009 Intercol team members are:
    1. Isaiah Cummings (goalie)
    2. Keyonn Jemmott (captain)
    3. Randell Lopez
    4. Kern Sandy
    5. Raymond Watson (vice captain)
    6. Avory Francis
    7. David Toussaint
    8. Jabari Brathwaite
    9. Nahshon Regis
    10. Anthonio Sanchez
    11. Kaalon Derrick
    12. Jalani Kojo
    13. Akel Linton
    14. Daven Maynard
    15. Aaron Lester
    16. Kayode Jones
    17. Jameel Neptune
    18. Abraham Aguillera
    19. Osei Charles
    20. Mc Quade Pierre
    21. Janoy Parris

    All games start at 3:45 p.m.

    Round One

    Thur 3rd Sept ............Final Score: WGSS - 0 vs East Mucurapo -1

    Sat 5th Sept...............Final Score:  WGSS - 0 vs Trinity - 0

    Tues 8th Sept..............Final Score: WGSS -0 vs Fatima College - 2.....

    Sat 12th Sept...Queen's Royal College (QRC) vs WSS.......QRC Gd

    Wed 16th Sept...WSS vs St Anthony's College..................To Be Advised

    Wed 23rd Sept...WSS vs St. Mary's College (CIC)..............TBA

    Round Two

    Sat 26th Sept...WSS vs East Mucurapo Sec.......................TBA

    Wed 30th Sept...WSS vs Trinity College.............................TBA

    Sat 3rd Oct...Fatima College vs WSS.................................Fatima Gd

    Wed 7th Oct...WSS vs QRC..............................................TBA

    Sat 10th Oct...St Anthony's College vs WSS..................St. Anthony's Gd

    Fri 16th Oct...CIC vs WSS..........................................St. Mary's Gd

    11 August 2009

    NY Reunion Discussion Page now available.....

    We are all anxiously awaiting the 5th September where we will once again meet and greet, some after many, many years, rehash old memories, create new ones and make some new acquaintances.

    The excitement is growing among the alumni that will be attending and as a result of this we have created a special discussion page in the Face Book group to facilitate the 'shout outs' & the many calls for 'what year you representing', and of course the 'ole talk', picong and gossip that will be accompanying the faces and memories.

    The discussion page can be found by clicking here: WGSS E-Alumni NY Reunion -talk yuh talk

    And for those alumni who will not be joining us physically at the NY reunion, feel free to send your greetings and memories via the discussion page.

    Full event information can be found by clicking here: WGSS Reunion - NY edition

    23 July 2009

    WGSS Reunion - New York and Donation Updates

    The date for the New York version of the WGSS reunion is getting closer and we hope you are all prepared and booked your flights if you need to.

    We have set up a convenient ticket payment option via Pay Pal for those attending. The link button can be found on the right side panel of this site, just under the 'Upcoming Events'.

    DATE: Saturday 5th SEPTEMBER 2009 (Labour Day Weekend)
    COST: USD$25 (USD$10 donation to school included)
    (the cost includes champagne/wine/vodka bottles, appetizers, etc)
    MUSIC: by popular DJ
    TIME: 4pm - 9pm
    VENUE: Negril Village - Lounge
    70 W 3rd St., New York, NY 10011, Bet. Thompson & Lagaurdia

    For efficient catering purposes at the venue it is advised that you secure your tickets in advance.


    Due to the many requests we have had from persons wanting to donate funds to the school in general and for equipment, we have set up a DONATE option via Pay Pal to accommodate those who wish to send funds. This can be found at the top left hand column of this site.

    The amount for donation is left up to the sender, but you are advised to take into consideration the processing fees and to allow a few extra dollars for that purpose.

    ALL monies sent via this manner, minus the processing fees will be forwarded to the school on behalf of the E-Alumni via WGSS Alumni Association.

    PLEASE NOTE: Any monies raised via donations or events from July 2009 to March 2010 will be utilised to assist the school's Steel Band side in funding their tour to Texas in April 2010. They need to raise funds in the vicinity of TTD$160 000, which includes cost of transporting equipment, airfare, etc.

    15 July 2009

    WGSS Alumni Association Elected Officers

    The WGSS E-Alumni is in receipt of the following information with regards to the election of officers for the Alumni Association.

    At the Annual General Meeting of the WGSS AA, held on Saturday July 4, 2009, the following persons were elected to office for the 2009/2011 term:

    PRESIDENT: Ms. Carol Tarradath
    VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. Anthony Jones
    TREASURER: Ms. Cynthia Guevara
    SECRETARY: Ms. Jocelyn Chandler
    SCHOOL AFFAIRS OFFICER: Ms. Cynthia Daisley
    PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER: Ms. Lynette Shepherd

    Mr. Keith Wood
    Mr. Clive Griffith
    Ms. Denise Aleong-Thomas
    Ms. Carol Les Pierre
    Ms. Tshai Yorke
    Mr. Eric Matamoro
    Ms. Stephanie Wilson

    The WGSS Alumni Association continues to enjoy a synergy with the WGSS E-Alumni as we work together for the continued development of WGSS and the alumni.

    28 June 2009


    WGSS E-Alumni will be celebrating its 1st Anniversary in Trinbago After Work Lime style...

    All WGSS alumni are invited...

    Just over a year ago, 26th June, the group started with its first posting (on Face Book)...and today the membership is still growing with much achieved in under one year of existence never mind that most of our members are spread throughout the world....

    We will be meeting for celebrations after work lime style, informal, unstructured, come as you are, buy what yuh want, pass through lime, not on the exact anniversary, but in true Trinbago fashion - right after pay day!!

    DATE: Friday 3rd July 2009
    TIME: 5:30pm-9pm
    PLACE: J. Malone's Pub - Fiesta Plaza, Movietowne, Invaders Bay, Audrey Jeffers Highway, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago.


    We hope to see as many of you as possible! Walk with your cameras make the evening a really memorable one!

    Click here for more info

    21 June 2009

    Alumni Association AGM 2009

    WGSS Alumni Association Annual General Meeting
    Date: Saturday 4th July 2009
    Time: 4.30 – 6.30 p.m.
    Venue: Library at Woodbrook Government Secondary School, 41-45 French Street, Woodbrook, Port-of-Spain, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO

    A G E N D A
    1. Call to order

    2. President’s Report

    3. Treasurer’s Report

    4. Matters Arising out of reports

    5. Presentation of Bye-Laws

    6. Election of Officers
    * President
    * Vice President
    * Secretary
    * Assistant Secretary
    * Treasurer
    * Assistant Treasurer
    * Public Relations Officer
    * School Affairs Officer
    * Ordinary Committee Members (5)

    7. Other Matters Arising

    ALL WGSS graduates are invited to attend this meeting to ensure the continuation and success of the Alumni Association.

    Several posts on the executive will be up for nominations and interested persons can contact the current WGSS AA Executive Committee to indicate their interest and for relevant information.

    For further information please contact : Clive Griffith 868-707-8745

    NOTE WELL: Information subject to updates & change by the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Please contact them for any info or if you have queries!

    +++Suggested Links to view+++

    * WGSS E-Alumni 1st Anniversary Celebrations (click here for invite)
    * WGSS Reunion in USA invite (click here)

    Email: wgssealumni@gmail.com

    13 May 2009

    Request for Assistance - P.E. Department of WGSS

    The school’s Physical Education department is currently in need of several items in order for it to run efficiently.

    If you are in a position to donate even 1 item, or know of willing sponsors please do not hesitate to contribute.

    The following is the list as provided by the WGSS Physical Ed. Teacher.


    • Road marking paint, 4 gallons of each listed colour to paint over and/or paint courts in the school's courtyard: white, blue, yellow, red, orange and green.
    • DVDs on teaching/training/coaching
    in different sporting disciplines
    • Interactive DVDs related to Health and Physical Education
    • Books on different sporting disciplines
    • Books related to Health and Physical Education
    • 12 basketball suits - 9 medium & 3 large
    • 12 basketball socks
    • 10 volleyball jersey (for boys) - 8 medium & 2 large
    • 16 volleyball jerseys (for girls) - 2 extra large, 5 large & 9 medium
    • 1 ball cart
    • 24 white long-sleeved jerseys for cricket - 5 extra large, 9 large & 10 medium
    • 6 competition bats (boys requested MRF)
    • 3 pairs of batting pads
    • 3 pairs of wicket keeping gloves
    • 4 boxes of five and one/half cork balls for competition
    • 3 large trolley bags (for transporting equipment to venues)
    • 24 white caps

    Mailing address:
    Woodbrook Government Secondary School
    Physical Education Department
    41-45 French Street, Woodbrook, Port-of-Spain
    Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies


    06 May 2009

    Review of the WGSS Alumni Association May Day Lime 2009

    The WGSS Alumni Association (official alumni association) staged their annual MAYDAY affair on Sunday May 3rd 2009 at the School compound.

    Music was supplied by the sensational A&D Sounds Ltd which is owned by Mr. Darren Drayton, ex pupil who is well making a name for himself in the fields of I.T. and Sound Engineering.

    The start was kind of shaky with the rains threatening to create havoc in the early stages. But yuh know Trini .... Rain does only wash out CRICKET. SO from very early ... the ball jumbies arrived and took centre stage making the thing as homely as was possible.
    Hayden Francois, Neil Lashley, Marlon Beddoe, and all the other well known "BALL SPIRITS" (men who play football all in their dreams, living rooms, cars etc.) took to the field and made the thing begin to fall into place.

    It was the biggest Mayday event ever hosted by the Alumni since its inception. Well over 100 persons were in attendance on a rotational basis and lent their support either monetarily or just by lending their "GOOD VIBES" to the moment.

    Eats and drinks of all sorts were in abundance and special mention must be made of the Class of 87' crew and in particular, Mr. Roger John who in his usual sneaky way said " it have a lil ting in a bottle here fuh yuh to try, yuh go like it".I make two twist and come back with a cup and by the time I reach the bottle ... it dun. Woodbrook people never change.

    The showing of persons went as follows. Classes of the 70's and early 80's was phenomenal. Persons like Daryon Marcelle (ex WGSS Football Goalkeeper), persons from the banking sector, communications sector, and a few surprise guests were in attendance. Mrs. Annette Borely, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Berkitt and other past teachers were there.

    Two former Principals of the school were also present showing their support. The all fours was a success but the other little games and stalls were of minor appreciation.

    Joel Stewart, Marcus Hart, Ayanna Bowrin represented for the E-Alumni-Executive.

    Mention must be made of the President of the Alumni Association. Mr. Keith Wood.
    He made sure to acknowledge the input of the E-Alumni and tell everyone that we were the new blood that the group was waiting for. We were introduced to all present and asked to strive to make the organization a success and to continue to partner with the existing Alumni to make the shared vision a reality.

    NOW .... the 'Pièce de résistance' .... THE SHOWING OF THE YOUNG ALUMNI!!!!!!!!
    We had a visual contingent of at least 25 young members that made up the 2008 graduating class of WGSS.

    They were of course cliqued in their own little group, but they were present nonetheless and were having a visible good time. Drinking races, "Chanting over the riddim" of the DJ and doing their "dances".(?) Ah old ... what yuh expect! lol.

    Quotient by number .... the class of 87' outshone all by virtue of their "fun" level. They were slightly ... but only slightly outdone by the entire 70's and early 80's contingent. They had a time and even tried to mingle with the kids a bit. Class of 88' could only number about 7, but we were all over the place. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Class of 89' could only muster 1 person. His presence was greatly appreciated though because it shows that the word reached all persons regardless of how busy they were.

    A great time was had by all with familiar faces in an all too familiar environment - What else do you expect from the school which turns out the highest number of underrated overachievers in the North West region.

    Thanks to all that came.

    review submitted by Joel Stewart

    04 May 2009

    Basketball Scholarship & Steelpan side tour

    Mr. Chris John, alumnus of WGSS has extended the following opportunity to one or two female student athletes for a full Basketball Scholarship opportunity at Grand Canyon University in Arizona. The student must be performing well academically and is ready to enter College as a freshman at a NCAA Division 11 school in August 2009.

    Again, Mr. Chris John has made a commitment to assist the alumni association and to adopt WGSS as one of his schools of choice, to be the recipient of scholarship opportunities for the students. He has indicated that he is interested in inviting and hosting the school steel band in Texas, USA, to perform at the Carnival of steel pan at Richland College 2010.

    The festival consists of various bands from around the area and nation, Steel band clinics, Guest Artist Concert as well as Caribbean Food and Clothing displays.
    For more information on this event please visit http://www.richlandcollege.edu/carnivalofsteel/

    The E-alumni wishes to express thanks to Mr. John and hopes that other WGSS alumni who are in positions whereby they can assist current students and/or graduates of the school to continue to excel in their chosen area, step forward and indicate their desire, willingness to do so.

    Reunion 2009 - Highlights

    Alumni of the Woodbrook Government Secondary School met at Veni Mange Restaurant - Ariapita Avenue on Saturday 28th Feb for a long awaited reunion.

    Some classmates having not seen each other in over twenty years took the opportunity to catch up and relive the memories of years spent at WGSS and of course to enjoy the wonderful authentic Trinbago flavours provided by Allyson & Roses at Veni. Dishes included local delicacies such as geera pork, souse, bake and shark and much more.

    Year groups from 1973 onwards were in attendance and a great time was had by all as evidenced in the photos captured.

    The WGSS reunion was organised by members of the E-Alumni.

    The E-alumni reunion committee consists of past students Vicky Herbert, P. Denise Darlington, Desiree Myers, Ayanna Bowrin, Joel Stewart, Marcus Hart, Jason La Croix and Georgette Koo.

    On board the group as well are other members serving as 'online' officers assisting in planning various activities in their individual regions – USA, London, Canada, etc.

    The WGSS E-Alumni committee wishes to thank everyone for attending in 2009 and looks forward to another successful reunion in 2010 - AIM HIGH.

    A word from Joel Stewart

    Welcome to Word Song Power

    The spot where we share Poetry Songs Music and inspiration in tribute to the ones of us who can paint pictures with words and make music on canvas breathing air to the spirit as the ones of old did in lives gone by.

    Please feel free to post on anything you read and to post your own pieces. All are welcome.

    Joel graduated from Woodbrook Government Secondary School in 1988 and is a founding member and admin of the WGSS E-Alumni Face Book group.

    Donations & Contributions to WGSS

    Recently we were informed by Mr. Davis of graduating year 1988, that a few members of this group who currently reside abroad are desirous of donating football gears for the WGSS team and have started making the necessary movements.

    To contribute to this venture, please contact
    Robert Davis
    email address: ahlikeit@yahoo.com
    Phone: 1 347 707 4939

    Also, Mr. Wayne Henry, a former alumnus, who is currently an Athletic Director in New York has offered his services to the WGSS football team and will be heading to T&T to train the team in pre-season.

    Should you be in a position to assist the school/ students or fellow graduates please feel free to let us know.
    email: wgssealumni@gmail.com

    Welcome & General Information - WGSS e-Alumni Blog

    WGSS E-Alumni is an online (internet based) past student networking group via social site Face Book, hence the E-Alumni in the name (electronic alumni) of over 300 past students of Woodbrook Government Secondary School, spanning the year groups from 60's to 2008.

    The group was started on Face Book by a past student in June 2008 and fast became 'the spot' to re-live many a WGSS memory and picong, catch up with old friends and plan various 'limes'.

    On board the group serving as 'online' officers are twelve other past students assisting in planning various activities in their individual regions – USA, London, Canada, etc.

    WGSS E-Alumni, was also recently given approval and E-linked to the WGSS Alumni Association.

    This blog will be an extension of what takes place on our Face Book group.

    Should you have something that you think is relevant to the WGSS E-alumni community -eg: an event being organised by a WGSS graduate and needs support, a job vacancy, etc, please forward it by email to wgssealumni@gmail.com and the admins will post as necessary.

    P. Denise Darlington
    graduated from WGSS in 1989. She is one of the founding members of the WGSS E-Alumni and is responsible for Communications, Blog creation and updates for the group.