20 May 2013

New Look WSS Alumni Newsletter

Most of you on the E-Alumni email list by now would have seen our Mother's Day email greeting, which signalled the start of our new format email newsletter.

To add more articles, features to the E-Alumni Newsletter on a regular basis, we need your participation.

Topics can vary from  highlighting small business ventures owned and operated by WGSS Alumni, achievements of Alumni, to interesting anecdotes about life at WGSS, etc.
Remember when sending us information to feature you will need to include:

  • Your name
  • Graduating year 
  • If you are sending info for a small business please include the name of the business, email address, webpage, contact number and name that you wish published, location address, photo where applicable and a brief (180 words or less) description.
Should we need to verify or request further information we will send you an email.

Submit your features to:  wgssealumni@gmail.com

To subscribe to the newsletter please click here.  This also subscribes you to our email listing.

Of course the newsletter will continue to inform on upcoming events, socials/fund raisers, etc

So make sure you have subscribed.

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