08 July 2015

Congrats to WSS Blue Eclipse Cheer Team

The WSS Alumni Association congratulates the WSS Blue Eclipse Cheer Leading Team on a fantastic performance at the recent T&T National Cheerleading Competition.

Well done on taking 1st place in the stunt competition.

We are proud of you all, continue to AIM HIGH.

Many thanks also to contributors who stepped up at the last minute to provide sponsorship and much needed support to the team.

07 July 2015

Requests for Secondary School Placements / Transfers 2015

For persons requesting information on 'transfers' for their children after the S.E.A exams 2015,  please see the following News Release from the Ministry of Education.


Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
18 Alexandra Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Phone: 1-868-628-1581/622-1088 Fax: 1-868-628-2088

3rd June, 2015


The Ministry of Education would like to reply to claims made by some parents in the Port of Spain Education District with respect to the placement of students in secondary schools. Firstly, students are assigned to schools based on order of merit according to their final score, choice and the intake of schools. If a student’s score does not allow him/her to be placed in any one of his/her four school choices, he/she is assigned to an available secondary school close to his/her residence.

The Ministry of Education wishes to reiterate to parents of students who wrote the SEA this year, that ALL transfers and/or queries are to be referred ONLY to the School Supervisor at the Education District Office in their respective area.

Education District’s address:
POS & Environs - Jerningham Avenue, POS
St George East – El Dorado Road, Tunapuna
Caroni  – 14 Camden Court, Couva
North Eastern – Savi Street, Boodooville, Sangre Grande
South Eastern – 87 High Street, Rio Claro
Victoria – 16-22 Sutton Street, San Fernando
St Patrick – 101 Farah Street, San Fernando

We would like to remind parents that details of these processes are highlighted in the SEA 2015 Information Booklet (under questions 14 and 15) provided along with the students’ performance record and placement slip. It’s also available on the Ministry’s website www.moe.edu.tt . Please note that there are specific deadlines for any query or request of transfer.

Additionally, the Ministry of Education has reminded all Principals of their responsibility in ensuring that Registration Fees are not to be charged for entry of students into primary or secondary school, as indicated by that Section 22 (1) of the Education Act Ch. 39:01 states that:

Except with the written permission of the Minister, a Principal or Board of Management may not impose a charge of any kind whatsoever on pupils in a public school –
(a) in return for any service provided by the school or by the Principal, Board or any teacher;
(b) as a contribution in respect of any activities normally undertaken as part of the curriculum of the school

For further information please contact the Corporate Communications Division, Ministry of Education: ph: 628-1581 / fx:628-2088

Last modified on Friday, 03 July 2015 12:20