11 March 2010

After Carnival Reunion- 2010 the Review..

In 2009, the E-Alumni committee successfully put together two reunions (Trinidad & New York).  For 2010, the committee, having been approached by many of its members, made a decision to make each reunion annual affairs, giving all Alumni of Woodbrook Secondary School, the opportunity to rekindle friendships and of course network. 
Against this backdrop, the Annual All Inclusive After Carnival Reunion was held at Veni Mange on 20th February 2010.

Patrons attending, who represented graduating years from 1971 and beyond, were treated to the well prepared and tasty dishes from the crew at Veni Mange - delicacies included souse, bake and shark, geera pork & chicken, corn soup, hot wings and much more.

The DJ's for the evening were none other than the very competent and able KLS & Trumpet (of 96.1FM), both alumni of WGSS.
Also making a very special appearance was Kindred performing the favourite 'This Trini could flow'.  Closing off the evening's special entertainment was the upcoming and talented alumnus Myron B, who impressed all in attendance with his witty and humourous tunes.

The evening would not be complete without the door prize draws (of which there were 10 prizes to be won) and the lucky winners were:

*2 Costumes for T&T Carnival 2011- courtesy Legacy (one male / one female) - won by Halima Kassim & Perry
*1 Movie Towne voucher - won by Nicole Johnson
*1 Movie Towne voucher - won by Gail Stewart
*1 Bottle of Angostura 1919 - won by Sheldon Carmichael
*1 Scholarship for a Spanish at COSTAATT - Carol Tarradath
*1 courtesy pack from TDC -  won by Wendell Hilaire
*1 Mobile Phone courtesy BMobile-West Mall - won by Kerwin Francis
*1 Ten session Swimming Course courtesy YMCA - Dale Chance
*1 CD compilations mini pack courtesy Island Style Entertainment - won by Cynthia Guevarra
*1 Costume for NY Labour Day 2010 -courtesy Sesame Flyers Inc of New York - won by Neil Lashley

With yet another successful event on the roster for the WGSS E-Alumni, they look forward to September 2010, where the NY team will be hosting the international reunion.

In the mean time the E-Alumni will continue to assist the Alumni Association in their events and membership building drives - the first of which will be the May Day Fun Day on Sunday 2nd May 2010, where classes of the 60's - 90's are being asked to form a football team as an inter year challenge has been issued.