11 January 2010

Reunion 2010 - After Carnival All Inclusive Lime

As we indicated in 2009, we gonna make this thing an Annual Affair, and for 2010 we aim to have a bigger attendance....

TTD$325.00 / USD$54.17
(payments can be made via Pay Pal on this site -left side top)

Menu includes:
corn soup, accra, bake & shark, souse, geera pork & chicken, hot wings, buljol, mini roti, salad

Welcome Rum Punch cocktail: A Non premium rum, beer, vodka, scotch & non alcoholic drinks throughout the night.

The committee has been working diligently behind the scene and will be adding the element of door prizes to the event.

Attendees this year can look forward to the following door prizes come the 20th Feb...

2 Costumes for T&T Carnival 2011- courtesy Legacy (one male / one female)
2 Tickets to Movie Towne
1 Bottle of Angostura 1919
1 Scholarship to pursue a certificate in Spanish at COSTAATT
1 courtesy pack from TDC
1 Mobile Phone courtesy BMobile-West Mall
1 Ten session Swimming Course courtesy YMCA
1 CD compilations mini pack courtesy Island Style Entertainment
For tickets contact:
Joel Stewart - (868) 771-7745, Vernessa Hinds (868) 703 5517
Jason La Croix - (868) 683-2505, Marcus Hart - (868)785-0155, Helen Cumberbatch - (868) 753 3546

DJs: KLS & Trumpet

Special Performances by alumni: KINDRED, Myron B and Marvin Bostic

which graduating year gonna have the biggest representation????
1989 took the title in '09' will they lose it in 2010??
For more information click here to check out our Face Book Evite
send us an email: wgssealumni@gmail.com

................PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS NOW.....................